Our remarkable community partners Housing & Homelessness Action for Boston Community Development Action, Inc. Bridge Over Troubled Waters Cambridge Multi-Service Center Circle of Hope Coolidge House Adult Residential Reentry (Incarcerated) Elizabeth Stone House (Domestic Violence) Father Bill's Shelter Harvard Square Homeless Shelter Heading Home-Y Initiative Transitional Housing Hildebrand Family Self-Help Center, Inc. HomeStart Howard Benevolent Society Impact Hope Fund Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership New England Shelter and Home for Veterans Rosie’s Place (Women only) Salvation Army Booth Brown House Somerville Homeless Coalition, Inc. Somerville Housing Authority Transition House (Domestic Violence) Veterans Benefits Clearing House Wellspring House Inc. YMCA of Greater Boston-Families in Transition Health & Mental Health AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts Bay Cove Human Services Center Club Cambridge Cares about AIDS Cambridge Health Alliance Casa Esperanza Inc. (Latino) Eastern Middlesex Alcoholism Services, Inc. North Suffolk Mental Health Association Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center The Dimock Center Vinfen Corporation Whittier Street Health Center Employment & Job Training Bay Cove Career Advancement Resources Boston Project Rebound Re-Entry Services, Inc (Incarcerated) Cambridge Community Learning Center Cambridge Employment Program Community Work Services International Institute of Boston (Refugees & Immigrants) MassHire Career Centers Millennium Training Inc. More Than Words (young adults) One Life at a Time Operation A.B.L.E. of Greater Boston Inc. Project Place (Homeless and low-income) South End Technology Center (Communities of Color) STRIVE Boston St. Francis House’s Moving Ahead Program The Work Place Transitions of Boston Clubhouse UMass Boston's Intitute of Community Inclusion (Disabilities) Urban League YMCA Education and Training Branch, Training Inc. Year Up Community & Support ADAR (Computers) Cambridge Multi-Service Center Child Development Centers (CDC), Dorchester (Autism) City of Boston Office of Returning Citizens (Incarcerated) Community Teamwork, Inc. Concilio Hispano Inc. DAC Enterprises, Inc. Friday Café (Homeless) Gavin Foundation (Addiction) Gay Men’s Domestic Violence Project Hope & Comfort (Hygine) Hope House (Addiction) LIFT Louis D. Brown Peace Institute (Incarcerated or Murdered Family Members) On The Rise (Women & Transgender/Non-binary) One Life at a Time Out for Good (Mental Health & Substance Abuse) Pine Street Inn (Homeless & Low-income) Thrifty Threads (Clothing & Houseware) Vinfen (disabilities) WRC-Suffolk County Women’s Resource Center Washington Heights Tenants Association Women’s Lunch Place Specialized Services Maloney Properties Perkins School for the Blind United States District Court of Massachusetts Probation Office Our Supporters Platinum Partners ($25,000+) BNY Mellon Charitable Giving Program/ Arthur F. Blanchard Trust Bay Cove Career Advancement Resources City of Cambridge Commonwealth of Massachusetts Gold Partners ($10,000+) AAA Helen Hunt Roy A. Hunt Foundation The Lenny Zakim Fund Whole Foods market Silver Partners ($5,000+) Bushrod H. Campbell and Adah F. Hall Charity Fund Cambridge Community Foundation Cambridge Savings Bank Cambridge Savings Charitable Foundation The Dreuding Foundation VBCDC Bronze Partners ($2,500+) Boston Private Bank & Trust Company Cambridge Trust Company East Cambridge Savings Charitable Foundation Eastern Bank MIT Federal Credit Union Old Mutual Charitable Foundation PwC Others Cambridge Housing Authority (office space) Cara Soulia Photography (photography) City of Cambridge (Thomas P. O’Neill, Jr. Golf Course for annual fundraiser) Computer Care and Learning (computers) DreamHost (Web hosting) Gemini Communications (public relations) HC Studio (office furnishings) Harvard Coop Hercules Press (printing) Ikeda Center for Peace, Learning, and Dialogue (moving-truck parking) JW Designs (graphic design) John DiPietro, ABC/D Marketing Associates (videography) Men’s Wearhouse (professional attire for men) Metropolitan Moving and Storage (storage and supplies) Milk Street Cafe (food for Young Professionals Boat Cruise) Nixon Peabody (legal services) Old Mutual (meeting space) PENTA Communications (public relations) Phoenix Trading Company (clothing) SERVPRO of Cambridge/Belmont (commercial restoration services) Sal’s Clothing Restoration (dry cleaning of business attire) Strive Badge (promotional items) Teresa Coates Photography (photography) The Brookline Clayroom (vases for our annual gala) Transatlantic Investment Management (meeting space, children’s backpacks, and school supplies) Wallpops (wall décor for Children’s Clothing Exchange participants) Drive Hosts and Organizers Bank of America Blue Bunny Books & Toys Casner and Edwards Catching Joy Circle of Hope Citizens Bank of Massachusetts Compuware Dedham Junior Woman’s Club Many Helping Hands Mass Bears & Cubs NEWiRE Network Health PSMJ Resources The Fessenden School The Ritz-Carlton, Boston Common Tico